Hiring back office services in Argentina when doing business in the country can be a wise decision if you have a limited-scale operation, or are entering the market for the first time. By hiring a back office services provider, you will be able to access specialized advice related to the likes of recruitment, accounting, and corporate law in Argentina, helping to ensure the success of your market entry and ongoing operations.

Besides being the third-largest economy in Latin America, registering a gross domestic product (GDP) of $449.7 billion in 2019 (all figures in USD), Argentina is also one of the most popular destinations for foreign direct investment (FDI) in Latin America and the Caribbean, recording FDI inflows of $6.66 billion that same year.
With a gross national income (GNI) of $11,130 per capita, the South American county is a prosperous upper-middle income nation, according to World Bank classifications, boasting the highest English language proficiency in the region, in part thanks to having a highly-developed and well-established middle class.
Argentina is also part of the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) — a political and economic integration that also includes Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, and which recently celebrated its 30th anniversary since foundation. Some of the country’s prime exports include soybeans and related products, corn, vehicles, and beef.
If you are considering doing business in Argentina or have already established a legal entity in the country, read on to understand how back office services in Argentina can increase the chances of commercial success, or go ahead and contact us now to discuss your business options.
Understand back office services
Back office services in Argentina include a range of technical and administrative activities that are crucial to the smooth running of your business. These services include legal and accounting services, human resources support, company formation, and a range of other internal corporate processes that you want to get right for your organization to run smoothly.
Many companies have teams of specialized personnel that take care of their back office needs, however, it is common for organizations to outsource some or all of these services — especially as part of an international expansion into an unfamiliar market. Because the back office services provider offers expertise that can save a client significant money and time.
By contracting a provider of back office services in Argentina, you will be able to count on trained and experienced specialists who use the latest software and have a deep knowledge of the regulatory framework in the market, allowing them to respond effectively and efficiently to all of your back office needs.

4 back office services to you may wish to outsource
Some of the key back office services in Argentina that can help you to streamline your business include:
1. Accounting and taxation: A dependable provider of back office services in Argentina will be able to help you keep your accounting books and records up to date, while ensuring your accounting practices comply with local corporate regulations. In addition, a back office services provider will also be in charge of adapting the accounting reports according to the particular needs of your company, making sure that your internal processes dovetail with local and international accounting standards.

2. Legal services: When you hire a provider of back office services in Argentina, you will access specialized legal support to deal with the complexities and foibles of the local corporate regulatory framework, guaranteeing that you avoid sanctions for any sort of non-compliance. Some key legal services that can add significant value to your business operations in Argentina include:
- Specialist advice on choosing the right legal structure
- Support in filling out the forms required to obtain authorization to import or export products
- Legal representation before local authorities
- Defense in case of legal problem with employees or third parties
- Drafting of legal documents that comply with all local standards
3. Recruitment and hiring: Hiring local staff in any new market can be a challenging experience. By engaging with a provider of back office services in Argentina that has hiring & professional employer organization (PEO) capabilities, you will be able to tap into their established recruitment network in order to find your ideal staff members quickly. A PEO is a company that will hire staff on your behalf, allowing you to avoid the necessity of establishing a local legal entity. For organizations planning a short-term or limited-scale operation, or who simply want to get to know a new market before making a deeper commitment, this is a popular option. A PEO can also be known as an Employer of Record (EOR).
Biz Latin Hub can provide back office services in Argentina
At Biz Latin Hub, our team of multilingual specialists has broad experience providing high-quality back office services in Argentina, helping foreign companies entering the local market to achieve their business goals. With our complete portfolio of corporate support services, including company formation, legal services, and human resources, we are fully equipped to be your single point of contact to support your company in Argentina, or any of the other 15 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean where we are present.
Reach out to us now for personalized assistance or a free quote.
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