Registration of Brands and Patents in Peru | Biz Latin Hub

What is the Registration Process of Brands and Patents in Peru?

An elderly woman sits outdoors on the ground, dressed in traditional colorful garments and a red hat. She is holding and working with wool, possibly spinning it into yarn, as if weaving the intricate threads of her own company formation. Green grass is visible in the background.
What is the Registration Process of Brands and Patents in Peru?

Consumers identify and acquire products or services by basically recognising a brand or logo.  But what’s behind all this?  It is vitally important for entrepreneurs and inventors to protect themselves from counterfeiters who use similar brands and inventions of inferior products or services and who may potentially take advantage of hard-earned, renowned and prestigious brands or patents.

Brand and Patent Definition in Peru

According to The National Institute for the Defence of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI); specialized public organization for the registration of brands and patents in Peru, ‘Brands’ are defined as: a sign used to distinguish and differentiate products or services in the market.  Furthermore, it must comprise of two principal characteristics:

(1) It must be possible to represent it graphically

(2) It must have distinctive aptitude

INDECOPI defines ‘Patents’ as a title granted by the State to the creator or owner of an invention to exercise the exclusive right to sell an invention during a determined period of validity and in a specified territory.

Main Characteristics for the Registration of Brands and Patents in Peru

Table comparing brands and patents. It includes characteristics, competent authorities, duration of registration procedure, registration validity, and applicable laws and standards. Characteristics differ by criteria for novelty and graphical elements, relevant during company formation.

Peruvian Brand and Patent Registration Process

The registration of brands and patents in Peru must comply with the Single Text of Administrative Procedures Act (TUPA) of the Directorate of Distinctive Signs (DSD), which requires the following:

  1. The application, with the identification data of the applicant (ID card/RUC). If the applicant acts through a representative, he must attach a power of attorney and in the case of natural persons, private documents are required.
  2. Indication of a sign that is intended to be registered
  3. Expressed indication of the products/services or economic activities and the type according to international classification (Niza Classification1).
  4. In case of a foreign priority claim on the basis of a registry application presented in another country, the registry application number must be indicated with the priority claim, as well as the country in which the application is presented. In this particular situation, a certified copy issued by the competent authority of the first registry application must be enclosed, or the presentation date of the application certified, and translated into Spanish as necessary.
  5. Signature of the application by the applicant or their representative.
  6. Enclose receipt of payment for procedure right, estimated at 13.90% of the Peruvian Tax Unit (UIT), the value of UIT for this year 2017 being S/. 4,050.

Peruvian Patent Registration Process

In the case of registering patents, according to the Single Text of Administrative Procedures Act (TUPA) of the Directorate of Inventions and New Technologies (DIN), the requirements are as follows:

  1. Cost: The cost for the application presentation rights equivalents to 35.20% of the Peruvian Tax Unit (UIT). Attached to the application must be:

(i) Name, address, and nationality of the inventor

(ii) title or denomination of the invention

(iii) description of the invention; also required are one or more drawings in case it is necessary to understand the invention

(iv) One or more claims

(v) Summary of the Invention

  1. Priority Document: Peru is a member of the Paris Agreement. Priority may be claimed based on a patent application presented within the last twelve (12) months. For this, a certified copy must be presented to the application within sixteen (16) months after the presentation date of the application whose priority is claimed. This will be certified by the issuing authority.
  2. Transfer/Assignment Document: When an applicant is a different person to the inventor, it is necessary to provide an investor’s transfer deed, legalized by a Peruvian Consulate. The transfer deed must be provided within the two (2) months after the presentation date of the Peruvian application.
  3. Spanish Translation: When a patent is described in a language different to Spanish, it is necessary to also be presented with its Spanish translation.


Importance of Registering Brands and Patents in Peru

A person wearing a long-sleeved shirt is writing on a sheet of paper using a pen. The individual's right hand is holding the pen while the left hand rests on another document related to company formation. The background is blurry, drawing focus to the writing activity.
Registration allows the creator to become the owner and to be uniquely authorised to use the brand

Finally, it is very important to be aware that a brands objective is not only the identification of a product or service, but the development of loyalty towards a product or service. For this reason, it is important to register a brand and/or patent to be able to remain competitive in the commercial market.  Registration allows the creator to become the owner and to be uniquely authorised to use the brand for the next ten years following its inscription, which can later be renewed. The benefits and advantages in terms of patent registrations are the exclusive rights granted to manufacture, execute, produce, use or sell the patented object as commercial and lucrative exploitation.


Biz Latin Hub can assist you with brands registration in Peru

At Biz Latin Hub, our team of corporate support specialists is able to help you with trademark registration in Peru, among a host other back-office services that we offer.

Those include company formation, accounting & taxation, legal services, and visa processing, meaning that we can offer a tailored package of integrated services to suit your particular needs.

We also have teams in 15 other markets around Latin America and the Caribbean, and specialize in multi-jurisdiction market entry.

Contact us today to find out more about how we can help protect your intellectual property and support you doing business.

Or read about our team and expert authors.

The information provided here within should not be construed as formal guidance or advice. Please consult a professional for your specific situation. Information provided is for informative purposes only and may not capture all pertinent laws, standards, and best practices. The regulatory landscape is continually evolving; information mentioned may be outdated and/or could undergo changes. The interpretations presented are not official. Some sections are based on the interpretations or views of relevant authorities, but we cannot ensure that these perspectives will be supported in all professional settings.
Legal Team Peru
Legal Team Peru

Legal Team Peru is the Biz Latin Hub leading experts on doing business in Peru The Team writes on the news, doing business, law, and changing regulations. The team are experts in corporate law, Administrative law, Employment law, Immigration law and legal advisory services. Read more about them here. You can contact Legal Team Peru via our "contact us page".

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