If you are looking at company formation in the Dominican Republic, you should have an entity health check done. An entity health check in the Dominican Republic will involve a full examination of that company’s compliance with local regulations, as well identifying structural or operational inefficiencies in order to maximize your profitability. You may also opt for an entity health check in the Dominican Republic if you already run a business there and simply wish to audit your existing operations to identify potential options to improve your bottom line.
Key Takeaways
Types of entity health check in the Dominican Republic | There are two main types of entity health checks. They typically focus on either the fiscal or legal condition of the company. |
Reasons for an entity health check in the Dominican Republic | To enable executives to know how the business is being managed To reduce risks of penalties and negative reputation To reduce transaction risks |
Necessity of entity health checks in the Dominican Republic | It is not a legal necessity in of itself, but it will help you make sure you are staying compliant. |
Who conducts an entity health check in the Dominican Republic | It should be done by a fully independent auditor to ensure total neutrality. The auditor should also be well aware of Dominican company law. |
What is an entity health check?
An entity health check is an in-depth analysis carried out by legal and financial auditors to discover if any non-compliance issues or major inefficiencies can be identified in a company’s operations. When this is carried out on a company you are planning to purchase or partner up with, it forms a crucial aspect of the due diligence you must undertake to ensure the money you are investing is going to be safe.
Hiring an external provider to carry out an entity health check is the best way to guarantee that it is undertaken comprehensively and impartially, and that the conclusions drawn are reliable. The external provider will have to be authorized by the owner of the business you are doing business with to access current and historic financial, accounting, and legal records.
In the event a company you are doing business with or planning to do business with shows reluctance to submit to such a process, or proves resistant in offering up its records, that should act as a red flag that something is likely not right and offer you good cause to reconsider your venture.
Entity health check types
There are two main types of entity health checks. They typically focus on either the fiscal or legal condition of the company.

Legal health checks
The legal health check focuses on reviews of commercial contracts, employment contracts, industry-specific regulations, and intellectual property protection. The industry your business operates within is also an important element for auditors to consider when conducting a legal entity health check in Colombia.
Particular industries carry additional and strict regulations that businesses must comply with; it’s important to know that your business is adhering to any additional industry-specific regulations.
Fiscal health checks
A fiscal entity health check will ensure that your accounts, social security payments, and taxes are consistent with regulations and give you information that will be valuable for your future choices and strategies.
When to get a self-check
While it is most common to have an entity health check done as part of a merger or acquisition, it is also worth considering having a self-check done. That can be especially useful to a business that has seen its profits diminish or operating costs rise significantly, but it can even be useful to a business that appears to be running smoothly and profitably.
Because an entity health check in the Dominican Republic will still be able to identify unnoticed inefficiencies, while it may flag up potential non-compliance issues before they become a legal headache.

FAQs on an entity health check in the Dominican Republic
1. Why should you get an entity health check?
The main advantages of conducting an entity health check include:
To enable executives to know how the business is being managed
To reduce risks of penalties and negative reputation
To reduce transaction risks
2. What steps are there to an entity health check?
Carrying out a successful entity health check involves the following 3 key steps:
1. Information collection
When carrying out an entity health check, a large amount of information will have to be gathered. This will include collecting data from your company’s operations, legal, accounting, and administrative departments.
Note that a best practice many companies are adopting is the creation of a compliance or audit department, in charge of centralizing important company information, which eases this first step.
2. Information validation
Once gathered, the information goes through a validation process. In this step, an entity health check agent will review all the data and documents obtained, cross-reference it against primary sources where necessary, and otherwise seek to prove the veracity of all records being audited.
3. Record Keeping
Records of all the documents and evaluations made during your entity health check will not only be valuable for presenting to tax authorities in case of an inspection, but also during future entity health checks. In some cases, keeping such records is a legal obligation, due to laws desiged to prevent money laundering.
3. What happens in an entity health check?
Generally, an entity health check includes:
Evaluation of finances, social security payments, and other fiscal obligations
Examination and review of contracts signed with third parties
Review of corporate and accounting books
Review of monthly tax returns and tax statements
Review of upcoming renewals of certificates and policies
Preparation of financial statements
Review of balance sheets submitted at the closure of the fiscal period
4. Who can perform an entity health check in the Dominican Republic?
It should be done by a fully independent auditor to ensure total neutrality and make sure everything is in accordance with the authorities.
Why do business in the Dominican Republic?

The Dominican Republic has the largest economy in the Caribbean and the eighth-largest in Latin America, having experienced consistent and rapid growth over the last fifteen years to make it an exciting country to invest in.
The Dominican Republic has free trade agreements (FTAs) in place that provide its businesses with preferential access to key regional markets, including the United States, which is a party to the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR), as well as the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).
The country also has bilateral investment agreements established with Chile, Finland, Morocco, the Netherlands, Panama, South Korea, and Taiwan.
The Dominican Republic is famed as a tourist destination, and a considerable proportion of its GDP derives from the tourism and hospitality industry. Other important sectors include telecommunications, mining, and agriculture, with major exports including cocoa, coffee, gold, nickel, silver, sugar, and tobacco.
Biz Latin Hub can help you do an entity health check in the Dominican Republic
At Biz Latin Hub, our team of due diligence experts has deep knowledge of the regulatory framework in the Dominican Republic and is experienced in carrying out entity health checks in support of foreign investment into the country.
With our comprehensive portfolio of back-office services, including legal, accounting, and recruitment, we can be your single point of contact to support your market entry and ongoing operations in the Dominican Republic, or any of the other 15 countries around Latin America and the Caribbean where we have a local team in place.
Reach out to us today for a quote or free consultation.
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